Why Kajabi is BEST for ANY Business . . .

I'll get straight to the point.  As entrepreneurs and/or real estate agents, we are constantly being SOLD to and bombarded with FOMO of this or that product, program or widget, gadget, etc.

In 2013, I started using it because as a Real Estate Broker I needed a platform where I could create a coaching program so that every time a new agent joined our firm, I didn't have to spend time teaching them the same thing I taught the last agent, and the agent before that and so on and so on.  It allowed me to have them learn at their own pace and then when they were ready, they could shadow me and be equipped and ready.

Then Kajabi began expanding their services.  And as I said above, long story short, hands down, Kajabi has EVERYTHING EVERY Real Estate Agent, Life and Business Coach, Wellness, Fitness and Personal Trainer Entrepreneur, and Salon & Spa Owner needs to RUN and OWN their business, specifically marketing and operations, in ONE PLACE!!

Read that last sentence again!

How many different apps, programs, etc. are you currently using?

So, enough yammering on.  Why don't I just show you!
(and remember, as you get to the bottom of the page, ALL of THIS is INCLUDED in this one platform!)


Having a website that is customized and branded to you creates a streamlined experience for your client - building trust.  In real estate many agents make the mistake of using their brokers landing page that's provided as their website.  

Your website needs to serve your business needs.  Yes, you want it to be custom and nice, but if it's just pretty and doesn't communicate with the rest of your business strategies, what is the point?!?!

You need a website that is YOU!  An extension of your social media.  Your powerhouse marketing and operations platfrom.

Example 1    Example 2     Example 3

Salon/Spa Sample Site

Link In Bio


For your monthly or yearly subscription for Kajabi, you can create a Link In Bio that aligns with your BRANDING.

Just like those other options, it allows you to update as needed so your content stays relevant.


Check Out Mine Here






Whether you send out daily, weekly, monthly, etc.  there are multiple templates to allow you to stay connected with your clients and provide relevant information that brings value to them. 



Check Out Example Here




Coaching/Service Menus, Buyer & Seller Guides

With Kajabi, you can bring your menus and those 3D Buyer and Seller Guides to LIFE by creating Custom Landing Pages that walk your clients through everything they need at their own pace and in their own time.

PLUS, you can create Landing Pages for your Buyer and Seller, Client Experience or Workshop Surveys!!  YES!  No Jot Form needed, keeping all your client information in ONE place!

Check Out Examples Here

Buyers Guide

Sellers Guide


Open House & Event/Giveaway

Sign Ups

 Creating a streamlined experience both for the client and your team makes everyone happier.  When you utilize the different landing page opportunities for each area of your business, it allows you to provide an amazing experience for the client and less work on the backend for you and your team.

Check Out Examples Here

Open House





Join My Team


Looking to hire?  Wanting to grow your team? Having learned the hard way, creating a link for other new hires, team members etc. to connect with you and look at what you have to offer in regards to considering working with you isn't usually readily available.

With Kajabi, you're able to create an easy way for anyone to connect and submit their interest while also requiring some vetting using the questionnaire/form.  Saves you and them time!


Check Out Example Here



Believe it or not, there's still SO much more!

But, for the sake of time, here's a list:

  • Blog
  • Press Page
  • Email Blast New Listings, Just Sold, etc.
  • Community Guide
  • Podcast
  • Private Community that isn't governed by FACEBOOK!
  • Individual Listing Pages
  • Featured Properties Page
  • Testimonial Page
  • Agent In-House Training Course
  • Create Your OWN Course to offer to other agents
  • Create Unique Websites for each team member as a benefit to being on your team
  • Want to sell your book or branded candle?  Yep, you can do that too!
  • Have a side-hustle?  You can house it all in the same place!
  • The possibilities are endless . . .

And if you're wondering how user friendly it is, I'm happy to show you in person.  But if you're like many agents with their data in multiple different platforms, let me just say, it's WAAAAAY easier than any of that!

Ready for Kajabi?