Introducing Create Your Monarch:
Unleash Your Inner Greatness

Are you ready to make your mark?
To stand out among the crowd and show the world who you truly are?

Believe in You - Create Your Monarch

Unleash Your Potential

Create Your Monarch is a Powerful Tool for Entrepreneurs

  • Designed for Entrepreneurs Ready to Make their Mark
  • Recognizes the Importance of Self-Competition & Daily Commitment
  • Empowers Users to Implement Actions & Strategies to Achieve their Unique Goals & Dreams

Structured for Success

Keeps You Organized and On Track

  • Undated 30-Day Planner Keeps you Organized and on Track
  • Set Monthly Goals, Actions, and Strategies, and Track Progress with Weekly Targets
  • Includes Health Goals and a Greatness Tracker to Measure Impact and Spread Inspiration

Manifest Your Dreams

Understand the Power of Daily Goal Reinforcement

  • Reinforces Goals with Daily Rewriting for Stronger Manifestation
  • Support the Correlation Between Thoughts and Achievement
  • Created with Love to Aid your Journey to Becoming Your MONARCH

Why "Create Your Monarch?"

Meet Laura Doughty

I believe that true greatness is measured by the number of lives you touch each day. Our Create Your Monarch planners allow you to mark down the individuals you connect with and make a positive impact on their lives. Each interaction is a chance to spread a little sunshine, leaving a lasting impression on those you encounter. You have the power to create ripples of inspiration and motivation, shaping the world around you.  So, get started today and CREATE YOUR MONARCH!

EPS 127: Unleashing the Power of a Limitless Mindset in 2024
The eXperiment Podcast

Bonus: Limitless Podcast

Laura shares how to BE LIMITLESS in the New Year and WHY the limited edition Create Your Monarch planner can help you live a limitless life.

Start Today!  Grab Your Planner

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2024 LimitlessĀ Planner


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Take a Peek Inside

Create Your Monarch 30-Day Planner

Start out each month with planning the month and then break that down into each week, followed by your daily gratitude and action plans.  Everything you need at a glance!   Learn more about the Greatness Tracker and other details below.

What customers are saying...

“I have always struggled to stay consistent.  The act of incorporating this daily planner has profoundly impacted not only my business but my life!”

Katherine Shen

“Who knew?!?!  The combination of having your gratitude and to-do's right next to each other is so powerful.  Simple but transformative!”

Andy Miller

"I finally said goodbye to my excuses! Thanks to these techniques, I can see my focus and actions paying off.  I so appreciate these Create Your Monarch planners!”

Heather Do


All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful  Business & Life

Are you ready to make your mark?
To stand out among the crowd and show the world who you truly are?

Then it's time to embrace Create Your Monarch, the unmarked 30-Day daily planner and gratitude journal designed specifically for small business owners, real estate professionals and entrepreneurs like you.

In a world filled with competition, Create Your Monarch understands that your true competition lies within yourself. It's your duty to show up every single day, for yourself and for the goals and dreams that were uniquely bestowed upon you. Your journey towards success begins by implementing daily actions that align with your vision.

Our undated planner is structured in 30-Day intervals, allowing you to set monthly goals, actions, and strategies that will propel you forward. With each passing week, you'll be able to track your progress towards these targets, ensuring you stay on course. But that's not all—Create Your Monarch goes beyond the ordinary by integrating elements of health and greatness tracking.

We believe that true greatness is measured by the number of lives you touch each day. Our Greatness Tracker allows you to mark down the individuals you connect with and make a positive impact on their lives. Each interaction is a chance to spread a little sunshine, leaving a lasting impression on those you encounter. You have the power to create ripples of inspiration and motivation, shaping the world around you.

Furthermore, we've included a space for you to rewrite your goals daily. Science has shown that there is a stronger correlation between thought and manifestation when you consistently write down your aspirations and keep them at the forefront of your mind. By visually reinforcing your goals, you'll be harnessing the immense power of your thoughts and paving the way for their realization.

With Create Your Monarch, we've listened to the needs of thousands of sales professionals like you. This planner is a labor of love, meticulously crafted to include the most requested features. It's time to enjoy the fruits of our efforts and embark on your journey to become the MONARCH you were destined to be.

Grab Your Planner